Anti-Ageing Serums
People age differently due to their unique combination of genetic, behavioural, and environmental factors. Regardless of your individual circumstances, Sisley face care anti-ageing serums offer powerful skin revitalisation. Each contains a higher concentration of active ingredients than our luxury moisturisers. Our range of serums are best used after removing your makeup.

Sisleÿa L'Integral Anti-Age Firming Concentrated Serum

Sisleÿa L'Intégral Anti-Âge Radiance Anti-Dark Spot Serum
Anti-ageing serums cover a variety of needs: reducing general signs of ageing, targeting fine lines and wrinkles, and addressing discoloration from hyperpigmentation and sun spots. Sisley's range of anti-ageing serums is formed from our most potent skincare formulas. If you're unsure which is the most suitable for you, here are our most popular to select from:
- For a complete anti-ageing serum routine, Sisleÿa L'Integral Anti Age La Cure has everything you need. One unique formula, four bottles, four weeks for more youthful looking skin.
- Sisley's Hydra-Global exceptional hydrating serum reinforces the skin's power of auto-hydration. By trapping and retaining more water, your skin will remain more supple for longer.
- Have concerns about dark spots? Sisley’s Phyto Blanc Le Concentré gives you an intense brightening solution that will reveal your complexion’s natural transparency in just 15 days.
- Sisleÿa L'Integral Anti-Age Firming Concentrated Serum will help your skin defy gravity, restoring the toned appearance of your youth.