28 days to change your mind
Download the return form
We hope you love your Sisley purchase but if you have changed your mind, you can return part or all of your order within 14 days of receiving it. To receive a full or partial refund all returned products must be unopened and unused as well as any complimentary gift and samples received with your order.
You must notify us within 14 days of receiving your order, that you would like a full or partial refund. You have an additional 14 days to return the product to our warehouse.
Before returning your order back to us, please contact Customer Services at the following email address: customerservicesuk@sisley-paris.com quoting your order reference and the product(s) for your return so that we can ensure your refund is processed as promptly as possible.
We recommend posting back your return by recorded delivery and keeping a reference of your tracking information. Please ensure you enclose the return form with the reason for the return.
Sisley agrees to refund your payment card, minus any premium delivery charges for the returned products within 10 working days of receipt of the returned products.
All returned products should be sent to the below address:
C/O Staci
Swift Park
Old Leicester Road
CV21 1DZ