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Solidarity, Education, Integration, Health, Art & Culture, Empowerment, Advocacy
Dedicated to helping women, proudly supported by the Sisley-d'Ornano Foundation since 2007
On average per year is provided for projects specifically aimed at worthwhile women's projects courtesy of the Sisley-d'Ornano Foundation
Dones Mentores is an innovative programme founded in 2017 in Spain that uses mentoring to help socially vulnerable women or victims of violence get back on their feet.
DiscoverThe Sisley-d'Ornano Foundation has supported the conversion of a new emergency accommodation centre for women, located within the Hôpital Charles-Foix complex in France.
DiscoverThe Sisley Foundation supports the Young Activist Summit**. This support contributed to the work of Emmy Lusila who, at the age of 17, set up an orphanage in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo).
DiscoverThe Sisley Foundation supports 280 Days, an association that helps pregnant women in Ukraine who do not have access to basic necessities, so that they can bring their child into the world under the best possible conditions.
DiscoverThe Sisley Foundation supports the Young Activist Summit** and Maïmouna Ba, a peace worker in the Sahel region. She has helped more than 60 children in Burkina Faso return to school while supporting them to overcome their trauma.
DiscoverThe support of the Sisley-d'Ornano Foundation is focused on the 'Care and Beauty' programme delivered by the Sala Bai school in Cambodia, dedicated in training beauty therapy.
DiscoverThe Sisley-d'Ornano Foundation supports this feature-length documentary due to its positive message encouraging education for young women. Access, that, all children, particularly young girls, should be able to benefit from.
DiscoverThe Sisley Foundation supports the Young Activist Summit**. This support has contributed to Pashtana's work in providing access to school for several thousand girls in Afghanistan.
DiscoverSince 2013, the Sisley-d'Ornano Foundation has been supporting the Belgian Kisany programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Rwanda. Kisany trains women in needlework and embroidery, to build viable long term business opportunities.
DiscoverThe Sisley Foundation is the main sponsor of this association that launched in 2022 and aims to support the creation and roll out of innovative projects in women’s health; to create synergies between the different players in the ecosystem (project holders, start-ups, manufacturers, health professionals, research labs etc.) and to raise awareness of FemTech by taking part in debates and strategic reflections on the political, technological and societal issues of the industry.
DiscoverCreated in 2016, la Maison des Femmes (the House of Women) carries out community work aimed at very vulnerable women. The Sisley-d'Ornano Foundation supports the association to welcome the children of the mother's seeking help.
DiscoverThe Sisley-d'Ornano Foundation supports the "Belle et Bien" network that organises free beauty treatment and make-up workshops for those with cancer, to help restore their self confidence.
DiscoverSisley supports the Young Activist Summit**. Memory Banda has received a grant for its programme designed to raise awareness and combat the violence and abuse suffered by young girls in Malawi.
DiscoverThe Sisley Foundation is working alongside the Fondamental Foundation, directed by Professor Marion Leboyer, and is supporting the research project "Impulsivity and suicide risk: tDCS as a prevention tool", led by Doctor Djamila Bennabi of the adult psychiatry department of Besançon Regional University Hospital Center (Besançon CHRU).
DiscoverThe Sisley Foundation supports Sisley Switzerland and its commitment to Look Good Feel Better, which organises onco-aesthetic workshops, and self-care and self-make-up techniques for people with cancer.
DiscoverSisley is the founding partner of Togeth'Her. In 2021, the project gave free rein to 26 contemporary artists from across the world, to design a cover for the famous magazine Madame Figaro with the portrait of a firmly committed and inspiring woman.
DiscoverWomen are still under-represented in some areas of the cinematic arts. In 2013, Sisley and Les Arcs Film Festival created the Sisley Femme de Cinéma Prize. The purpose of this award is to raise awareness among the media, professionals and the general public of the discrimination that women may still face in the world of cinema.
DiscoverIn October 2019, the Trois Cinq Friedland gave free rein to Pauline Guerrier, the first female artist to have a solo exhibition there.
DiscoverSince 2020, Sisley has supported the emerging contemporary art scene with the Sisley Beaux-Arts de Paris award for Young Creators. This award, decided each year by a jury made up of influential people, aims to promote the work of students from this prestigious institution. Painters Karolina Orzelek, Ymane Chabi-Gara, Clédia Fourniau and more recently Barbana Bojadzi have each been recognised for their sensitivity, strength and boldness.
DiscoverThe Sisley Foundation supports the Young Activist Summit** and Roshni Perween’s work to prevent child brides in India. She has saved tens of girls by working with local authorities and her community, by organising groups to protect children and by running awareness campaigns.
DiscoverSisley supports the Young Activist Summit**. This support enabled Nadia Murad, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018, to continue her Empowerment Programme aimed at women from the Sinjar region (Iraq).
DiscoverThe Sisley-d'Ornano Foundation supported Accelerate Beirut, an organisation that is helping craftspeople, micro-businesses and SMEs in Lebanon to rebuild in the aftermath of the explosion that struck Beirut on August 2020. More specifically, at the suggestion of the NGO Stand for Women, Sisley has chosen to support a talented woman, Sandra Mansour, by helping her to rebuild her business..
DiscoverSisley is committed to the young African group and its programme Les Héroïnes dedicated to female leadership.
DiscoverThe Sisley Foundation supports the Young Activist Summit**. This support contributed to Zulaikha Patel's work to combat discriminatory representations.
DiscoverThe Sisley Foundation supports the Young Activist Summit**. This support highlights Keely's work in promoting the talents of people with disabilities in the film and media industries.
DiscoverThe Sisley Foundation supports the Young Activist Summit** and the Sudanese environmental activist Nisreen Elsaim who advocates for peace and renewable energy to prevent future conflicts.
DiscoverThis NGO helps lift vulnerable people from poverty by emancipating them and helping them to become successful, autonomous, entrepreneurs. With this organisation, the Sisley Foundation supports the “99 femmes au Sénégal” programme (99 women in Senegal).
DiscoverThis organisation aims to generate ideas and stimulate experimentation to give women their rightful place in the cinematic arts.
DiscoverSisley supports the Young Activist Summit**. This support has enabled Amy and Ella Meek, founders of KidsAgainstPlastic, to create the "Be Plastic Clever" programme.
Discover**The Young Activist Summit, is an annual event that brings together young activists from around the world who are committed to making a difference globally. Each year, the key message of the event is chosen with respect to the international context and brings together a panel of young activists who receive an award for their exceptional dedication and achievements.