Sisleÿa L'Intégral Anti-Âge Prestige Vanity
Excellence in skincare: indulge yourself in Sisley’s complete Anti-Ageing ritual for skin that looks visibly younger. All in a unique prestige set.
Indhold: 30+50+15+30+15+5+8 ml+4 g
817 point = 817,00 kr
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This Gift Set contains:
- Sisleÿa l'Integral Anti-Age Firming Concentrated Serum 30ml: the powerful Anti-Ageing serum for a targeted firming benefit. Apply morning and evening.
- Sisleÿa l'Integral Anti-Age 50ml: the powerful skincare to address most of the visible signs of ageing. Visible results on the appearance of wrinkles, firmness, radiance, tone and hydration. Apply morning and evening.
- Sisleÿa l'Integral Anti-Age Eyes and Lips Contour Cream 15ml: the eye and lip contour cream with an anti-wrinkle and firming effect. It targets puffiness and dark circles. Apply morning and evening.
- Eau Efficace 30ml: the gentle, sensorial and non-rinse cleansing lotion. As a 3 in 1, it removes face and eye make-up, cleanses and tones the skin.
- Sisleÿa Essential Skincare Lotion 15ml: the moisturising and nourishing lotion with Anti-Ageing benefits. Primes the skin, making it more receptive to subsequent skincare.
- Sisleÿa l'Integral Anti-Age Anti-Wrinkle Concentrated Serum 5ml: the highly concentrated serum to address multiple types of wrinkles. Apply morning and evening.
- Izia la Nuit 1.8 ml: Izia La Nuit is an olfactory journey with a chypre, woody, floral trail just as intense as the memory of a romantic encounter.
- Mini Lip Twist Nut 1g: a tinted balm, coloured like a lipstick and shiny like a gloss. It leaves the lips supple, moisturised and visibly smoothed.
- Ridoki: cool-tip massage tool to prepare the eye & lip area before applying the cream.
- White Vanity Prestige Case
Sisleÿa l'Integral Anti-Age Firming Concentrated Serum 30ml: Apply morning and evening to the face and neck.
Sisleÿa l'Integral Anti-Age 50ml: Apply Sisleÿa L’Integral Anti-Age morning and evening to face and neck.
Sisleÿa l'Integral Anti-Age Eyes and Lips Contour Cream 15ml: Apply the cream morning and evening along the eye contour area, eyelids and the contours of the lips.
Prepare the eye & lip area prior to applying the cream, by utilising the cool-tip massage tool.
1) Smooth the above the eyebrow and over the eyelid and below the eye, always using a motion away from the inner eye. Also, smooth around the mouth area, above the lips, using a motion from the centre of the mouth to the outer edges.
2) Use gentle, light pressing motions around the entire eyelid and below the eye area to support microcirculation.
3) Gently move the massage tool in a zigzag pattern between the brows and under the eye area to help de-puff.
4) Use a gentle back-and-forth motion between the eyebrows, along the outer corners of the eye and above the lip to smooth wrinkles.
Eau Efficace 30ml: place a cotton pad against the pump, then press 2 to 3 times to soak the pad. Begin by wiping each eye with a separate cotton pad and then continue on to wipe the remainder of the face with another cotton pad. Reapply if necessary to remove make-up completely. Use in the morning to awaken and stimulate the skin. Use in the evening to effectively eliminate make-up from the face and eyes. Do not rinse.
Sisleÿa Essential Skincare Lotion 15ml: Morning and evening, apply to cleansed face and neck. Apply the product with the fingertips, massage gently until it has been completely absorbed and continue with your usual beauty routine. Can also be applied with a cotton pad.
Sisleÿa l'Integral Anti-Age Anti-Wrinkle Concentrated Serum 5ml: Apply morning and evening to the face and neck.
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