The expert diagnosis
It was designed by French designer and architect Jean-Louis Fréchin, founder of NoDesign, an agency specialized in innovation and technological design.
Technology dedicated to the beauty of hair
A wealth of technology developed alongside expert dermatologists and major specialists in connected devices.
It lets you:
View both the scalp (x110) and the hair fiber (x900) by means of its unique optical sensor.
Build a hair analysis thanks to a powerful algorithm.
The device, accompanied by the expert questions of our advisers, analyzes both the scalp and hair fiber by using 7 different parameters:
- - On the scalp: uniformity of the scalp, sensitivity of the scalp, state of the pores, hydration of the scalp and hair density
- - On the hair fiber: diameter of the fiber and state of the fiber
Five key steps to find out all you need to know in just a few minutes
- Three scalp measurements
- Two fiber measurements (roots and tips)